October 20, 2016
Program manager: Pekka Helle
Contact: pekka.helle@hanken.fi
Schedule: 2010-2016
Size: total 36,8 M€
Results: http://hightech.dimecc.com/
DIMECC FutIS – Future Industrial services – research program promotes the adoption and expansion of service business in technology-based industrial firms. The unique network of FutIS includes 19 companies (ABB, Cargotec, Finn-Power, Kone, Konecranes, Konecranes Service, Metso, Outotec, Rautaruukki, Wärtsilä, Yle, Stalatube, Cembrit, SKF, Suomen lämpöpumpputekniikka, Cramo, T-Drill, Vexve, and Finnair) and 9 research groups (Aalto University School of Science and Technology’s SoberIT, Logistics research group, Innovation Management Institute and Service Innovation research group, Aalto University School of Economics, Tampere University of Technology, VTT, Åbo Akademi, and Vaasa University) and their international partners. The budget for the program is 39,3 M€ for the entire program duration (2010-2016), including 6,2 M€ for the first year. The program is funded by Tekes, companies and research institutes.
FutIS program investigates the future of industrial services in metal and engineering industry in three major topics: service business mindset, integrated service development, and efficient service operations. The program develops new competence and better profitability for participating industrial firms’ service business and with its significant scope promotes the transformation of the entire industry. The long-term orientation in the program means that ideas and opportunities are explored for novel businesses by examining the futures of customers’ operations and environments; methods, processes and practices are developed to enable service business transformation over the forthcoming 5-15 years; and bottlenecks and inefficiencies in processes are sought and solved to generate readiness for service business adoption and expansion. The readiness for future industrial services is sought by integrating knowledge of service business logics with the unique requirements of the technology-based context. The theoretical approach for research is integrative in that FutIS covers the viewpoints of service strategy; marketing, operations and innovations simultaneously, promotes their interplay, and thereby generates new knowledge to the international research community. The unique network of FutIS will work together in an effort to turn service business into a significant success factor in Finnish engineering industry and their broader business network.
FutIS brings together metal and engineering industry firms of different sizes and natures to promote industry-level changes, involves other types of firms to promote purposeful benchmarking and knowledge sharing across industries, and includes cooperation across the firms even to such an extent that competing firms will work together. Finnish main research institutes involved in international technology-centered industrial service business research will collaborate in this program to strengthen the knowledge base, share their knowledge, and bring in topical knowledge from their international partners. The unique network of partners will work together in an effort to turn service business into a significant success factor in Finnish engineering industry and their broader business network.
- “Homma putkessa”, Visio 7/2016
- “Avokonttoriin siirtyminen ei riitä muutoksen tekemiseen”, Talouselämä Tebatti 20.8.2015
- “Muutos ei synny pintaremontilla”, Talouselämä Tebatti 20.8.2015