
Machines Robotics liittyy One Sea -ekosysteemiin

One Sea -ekosysteemi, joka pyrkii kohti toimivaa autonomista meriliikennettä vuoteen 2025 mennessä, toivottaa Sea Machines Roboticsin tervetulleeksi yhä kansainvälisempään joukkoonsa. Tekoälyyn ja autonomiseen meriliikenteeseen keskittynyt Sea Mac... Read more...

DIMECC is hiring, Project Lead, software

Sustainable future is digital, and it will be co-created. Europe needs co-creation to facilitate the Twin transition – digital and green. Technologies, competences, revenue logics, business models and practices, and management cultures call for ... Read more...

DIMECC is hiring now: Project Lead, maritime

Sustainable future is digital, and it will be co-created. Europe needs co-creation to facilitate the Twin transition – digital and green. Technologies, competences, revenue logics, business models and practices, and management cultures call for c... Read more...

DIMECC is hiring: Send us an open application!

Future will be co-created. Europe needs co-creation to facilitate the Twin transition – digital and green. Technologies, competences, earnings logics, business practices and management cultures call for change. DIMECC will make this change happen... Read more...