
Tuoreita tekoälyratkaisuja teollisuuden automaatiossa

Glaston, Nokia, Novatron ja muut MIDAS-hankkeen yritykset esittelevät tuoreita tekoälysovelluksiaan kaikille avoimessa virtuaalitapahtumassa. Teollisuuden tekoälyratkaisuja esitellään tiistaina 27. lokakuuta kello 13–16 virtuaalitapahtumassa, joss... Read more...

Industrial companies ready to open their data streams

Industrial companies are willing to open up their data flows and benefit from the data-sharing economy. Conditions must be created in Finland to enable companies to move to the next stage of the industrial data economy. It is important that Finla... Read more...

How to make mechanical engineering attractive again?

Intelligent Industry ecosystem took on solving the problem facing mechanical engineering. Even though the companies in the field are modern and offer exciting opportunities to work with for variety of skill profiles, the companies in the field ar... Read more...

17 new PoDoCo doctors receive funding

Empathy and Water Cycle Research Help Companies in Renewal The Post Docs in Companies program funded 17 new partnerships between doctors and companies in the spring round. The PoDoCo foundations have funded 151 research projects that develop new bus... Read more...

Säätiöt rahoittavat 17 uutta PoDoCo-tohtoria

Yritystä voi uudistaa tutkimalla empatiaa tai vedenkulutusta Tohtoreita ja yrityksiä yhdistävä Post Docs in Companies -ohjelma rahoitti kevään hakukierroksellaan 17 uutta tohtorien ja yritysten yhteistyöprojektia. PoDoCo-ohjelman avulla säätiöt ovat... Read more...

Karno Tenovuo appointed DIMECC Chairman of the Board

Karno Tenovuo, CEO of Awake.AI has been appointed as the new Chairman of the board of DIMECC Ltd. Mika Toikka, EVP Commercial Operations at VTT has been appointed Vice chairman of the board. New members of the board appointed by the DIMECC Annual... Read more...