August 12, 2016
Program manager: Katri Valkokari, VTT
Schedule: 2014-2017
Size: ca. 40 M€
The DIMECC REBUS program aims at making scientific breakthroughs in the area of networks and business ecosystems. The program challenges the participating firms to take major leaps in developing these practices as well as fundamentally change their underlying mindsets of managerial behaviour. The particular focus is on those relational business practices that are needed to act as a member in as well as to take advantage of various networks. Big organizational innovations are rather paradigmatic changes in managerial thinking and organizational behavior than small-scale breakthrough innovations with high speed of diffusion. As results of the new research-based practices the REBUS program aims to create a collection of verified relational business practices that are proven in practice and shown to be advantageous in terms of innovation, growth and efficiency for networked firms.
The industrial sectors within the REBUS program are in particular within transportation and energy systems. These two sectors are globally the most investment-intense areas in the coming years and are at the core of the interest of Finnish present and future industry.
The total program budget is over 40 M€ and its duration is five years. The REBUS program is built on a common theoretical framework, within which the four separate projects focus on different network contexts as they implement the actual research and development tasks. The program consists of four projects and one cross-sectional common research task addressing relational business practices.
The four sub-projects are:
- Project business networks
- Logistics networks
- R&D networks
- Value networks
All 22 participating firms have strongly connected the REBUS program with their main growth and development strategies and 7 Finnish research institutions are committed to explore relational business practices with them. The REBUS program is also highly international and there are collaboration activities with 18 international universities.
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