30.09.2019 - 01.10.2019

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
The MANUFUTURE 2019 Conference -Sustainable Smart Manufacturing continues the MANUFUTURE Conference series started by MANUFUTURE 2003 Conference in Italy and followed by MANUFUTURE Conferences in 2004 (Netherlands), 2005 (UK), 2006 (Finland), 2007 (Portugal), 2008 (France), 2009 (Sweden), 2011 (Poland), 2013 (Lithuania), 2015 (Luxembourg) and 2017 (Estonia), all organised in EU Presidency countries. The European MANUFUTURE technology platform celebrates this year its 15 years anniversary.
This year the conference is organised in Finlandia Hall, Helsinki on October 1 st. It is a joint event with the Finnish Presidency Event and paraller with Circular Economy 2019 Conference and Sustainable Innovation 2019 Conference.
Register for the event here.
Manufuture 2019 Conference web page here.
The MANUFUTURE Vision 2030, followed by the MANUFUTURE Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), are fresh examples of the MANUFUTURE community’s work. The MF2019 Conference will theme-wise align with the priorities of the MANUFUTURE 2030 Vision and SRIA, offering time-wise a good opportunity to discuss the implementation of the MANUFUTURE 2030 Vision and SRIA, the priorities of main industrial sectors, and the needed actions at European, national and regional levels.
The MF2019 conference builds a bridge between the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and the new Horizon Europe research and innovation Framework Programme, discussing e.g. the effects of the structural and contentual changes between these frame programmes on the European manufacturing related cooperative research and innovation. Other discussion themes include Artificial Intelligence – Research and Innovation Needs for the Industry; Circular Manufacturing and Sustainability; Manufacturing Europe: Towards an EU-Innovation and Education Systems for Manufacturing and the Society; and Emerging and Disruptive Technologies in Manufacturing.