
Tekoäly ja kyberturvallisuus

Tätä Antti Karjaluodon ja Risto Lehtisen artikkelia hyödynnettiin Tekoälyaika-loppuraportin kyberturvallisuusosiossa (Avain 11 – Valmistaudumme turvallisuushaasteisiin, s.106-)   DIMECC Oy teki syksyn 2018 aikana työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön, o... Read more...

‘The Engineers of the Future are T-shaped’ – What Does the World’s Leading Industrial Automation Supplier Want from its Future Engineers? Finland’s Greatest Industry Event MPD is the Manufacturing Crystal Ball

‘The Engineers of the Future are T-shaped’ - What Does the World’s Leading Industrial Automation Supplier Want from its Future Engineers? Finland’s Greatest Industry Event MPD is the Manufacturing Crystal Ball Tomas Hedenborg is a modest man... Read more...